early years

Summary of the life of Charles Darwin

origen de las especies de charles darwin

The life of Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) was full of adventures, recognized as one of the most influential scientists in the world due to his approach to biological evolution through natural selection, the same as (justified in his work “The Origin of the species ”) postulates that all species of living beings have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process classified as natural selection.

If you want to know more about Charles Darwin's research, visit: The origin of the species by Charles Darwin


primeros años de charles darwin

His studies began in October 1815, which by decision of his father (whom he always remembered with affection), Charles Darwin entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine at just the age of 16. However, he failed to get passionate about the career due to his disgust for surgical operations and the inability of teachers to capture his attention. It should be noted that during his medical studies, he attended an operating room twice, in which he fled due to his sensitivity leaving a negative impression. 

If you want to know more about the early years and training of Charles Darwin, visit: Charles Darwin's early years..

The Beagle

darwin y el viaje a galapagos

Upon completion of his studies in April 1831, botanist and entomologist John Henslow gave Darwin the opportunity to embark as a naturalist on a round-the-world trip aboard the vessel called Beagle. Trip of utmost importance in Darwin's life since such a trip would take him to the Galapagos Islands.

If you want to know the islands that Charles Darwin visited in the Galapagos archipelago aboard the Beagle, visit: Darwin's trip to Galapagos.

His Family

Foto de Charles Darwin joven y Charles Darwin viejo

In family matters, Darwin's marriage had a total of ten children, of which two died in childhood. Also, it should be noted that most of Darwin's children had distinguished careers, such is the case of their children George, Francis and Horace (astronomy, botany and engineering) who managed to become members of the Royal Society (Oldest Scientific Society from the United Kingdom and Europe).

His Death

At the end of 1881, Charles Darwin began presenting profound heart problems, the same ones that caused him death through a heart attack on April 19, 1882.


Maull & Fox. Charles Darwin Seated Crop (1854). Imagen obtenida en Wikimedia Commons. Original disponible [AQUÍ]

Elliott & Fry. Charles Darwin (1880). Imagen obtenida en Wikimedia Commons. Original disponible [AQUÍ]

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